Work Hardening


Offering Industry specific best-practices to give you the strength, stamina, and movement mechanics you need to handle your physical job requirements.


Prepare your Body, Increase Productivity

Physically demanding jobs are rewarding, but your body deserves an opportunity to prepare for your the task specific daily demands. Work hardening programs customize your strength program to include the specific work simulation and load you’ll face on the job, while progressing these movements at a volume and with the form you need to stay safe and energized day in and day out.

  • Work Simulation Exercise

    In addition to working with traditional weights, we will work with the same equipment and positions you use on the job. This specificity helps your body better prepare for your job’s unique demands with the practical strength you need.

  • Chronic Pain

    Pain signals can stay active in your nervous system for weeks, months, or years after the original injury has healed. Our experts use the latest research and education to help you turn down this intense pain response and take control of your life again.

  • Strength & Conditioning

    We’ll combine all elements of current exercise science to create a strength and conditioning program that will give you the durability and power you need to stay energized on the job.

  • Endurance Development

    Gradually increasing the physical work volume that you’ll experience on the job can help prevent overexertion and injury. We’ll progressively help you prepare for all work movements, so you have the strength and stamina you need for the job.

  • “It was a great experience that showed and taught me many strength training skills.  It really helped prepare me for going back to work. Doing great and am working hard every day.”

    TJ Tremblay | UPS Driver | Barre

  • “I can't say enough good things about Mark, Shannon, and Workability. Through their original approach, I successfully achieved the physical requirements necessary to return to work, even stronger than before. Just as importantly, their passion for what they do has inspired me to carry the skills I learned forward to support the rest of my life.”

    - Fran Greenberg


Add decades of experience to your team.


Immediately expand your capabilities.


Use the latest ergonomics technology.


Achieve world-class health outcomes.